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East Hartford woman teams up with Manchester Chef

E shtune, 06.08.2011, 06:56 PM

Sue Tukey, member of the Iron Maidens MS Motorcycle fundraising team, poses in the kitchen of Edi Zumbuli at his restaurant, Edi’s, in Manchester. The pair hosted a fundraising to support the Iron Maidens team and its quest to raise $15,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The daylong fundraiser raised more than $550.
Sue Tukey, member of the Iron Maidens MS Motorcycle fundraising team, poses in the kitchen of Edi Zumbuli at his restaurant, Edi’s, in Manchester. The pair hosted a fundraising to support the Iron Maidens team and its quest to raise $15,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The daylong fundraiser raised more than $550.
By East Hartford woman teams up with Manchester Chef


Sue Tukey knows just about everyone who is anyone. A onetime school teacher, Tukey now uses retirement to work harder than ever. She has volunteered for nearly every worthy charity around and stays equally busy with local politics. However, on Wednesday, July 20, Tukey steamed things up when she teamed up with head chef Edi Zumbuli of Edi’s Restaurant in Manchester. The dynamic duo cooked up an award winning fundraiser to support the fight against multiple sclerosis.


“I’m a member of the Iron Maidens MS Motorcycle Ride fundraising team,” said Tukey, who lives in East Hartford and who has been a longtime supporter of the National MS Society. “The team, of mostly of women, has primarily raised funds this year through a behind bars campaign using social media networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. So far, we’ve raised more than $11,500 toward our $15,000 goal. I felt like a small wrap around event might just help us get past the $12,000 mark. And to my delight, that’s just what happened.”


Tukey and Edi’s Restaurant hosted a daylong event in which the restaurant donated 15 percent of every bill to MS. Tukey also held a drawing for elaborate gift baskets. Together, the pair raised more than $550 to support people in the state battling multiple sclerosis, a potentially debilitating disease.


The Iron Maidens team supports the annual NBC Connecticut MS Motorcycle Ride, which this year takes place Sunday, July 24, at Outback Steakhouse in Southington.


“Sue is an amazing teammate,” said Karen Butler, who also lives in Manchester and captains the Iron Maidens team. “She is incredibly energetic and so upbeat and positive. Sue just attracts the cream of the crop – and that includes Edi’s Restaurant. We are so grateful to Edi and his family for hosting an event to benefit multiple sclerosis. The food rivals anything you can get at some of the most popular restaurants in Glastonbury or West Hartford, but Edi’s is reasonably priced. I for one will now be a regular.”


Before opening his own restaurant, Edi Zumbuli worked as a sous chef at many local high end restaurants, including Sauce in Glastonbury and Max in West Hartford. Edi’s is located at 234 Spencer St. in Manchester, Exit 1, just off Interstate 384. The family-owned restaurant is open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Edi’s pasta dishes feature an incredible array of sauces; such as a simple Aglio e Olio – fresh garlic and olive oil. The restaurant is also know for its more succulent seafood pasta, which includes calamari, shrimp, clams and mussels in a savory red tomato sauce.


For more information on Edi’s Restaurant, visit www.edisrestaurant.com. For more information on the Iron Maidens fundraising team, visit www.ironmaidensfightMS.com. To learn more about multiple sclerosis, its effects and the many ways to help make a difference, visit www.ctfightsMS.org.


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